Setting Up A Comprehensive Digital Workflow


Setting Up A Comprehensive Digital Workflow


Wednesday August 18, 2021
6:00am - 7:30pm CST

With the advent of Digital Capture - best a DSLR, a smartphone, or a digital snapshot camera, WORKFLOW is more crucial than ever…

For non-professional photographers the “lack of workflow” is more prevalent, but just as crucial.

In this Zoom session, 1.5 hours long, I will guide you through what is needed to establish a comprehensive Digital Workflow, from capture to final storage.

I will also deliver valuable insights, and suggestions into backing up your catalogs.

As part of this workshop I walk you through [my] catalog system, so that you can see, immediately, how essential a comprehensive cataloging system is.

Note: Participants wanting a one-on-one followup session, for help in tweaking their catalog, a 50% discount , off of my consultation fee, will be offered. (This offer is valid for 15 days after Workshop).

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